I personally refrain from judging people who want to whiten their skin because I think the issues are beyond just that one person. This is not an issue just with Indians, but with people from several other countries including a few in South Asia, East Asia, Africa and probably a lot more !
It is not at all unusual for me to receive emails from women the world over asking for recommendations to lighten their skin tone or whiten their face. Several of these emails come from brides and the email goes something like this " Hi, I am getting married in six months and would like to do something to lighten my skin tone". Some are like " Can you suggest some whitening creams ? I am getting married in a few months and you know how it is with Indian brides ". Others " I am dark brown in color and would like to become fair". I kid you not, stuff like this comes to me often.
The deal is this. Yes, I know how it is for several Indian brides or women. But it need not be like this always. These are a few ways of what I think we can do to change it forever. You tell me what else we can do...
One can change it by not making skin tone an issue with your kids. We maketh this generation so lets not let anyone fault us, the next time around. Never let our future kids feel anything negative about the color of their skin or that of others. Make it a non-issue.
If you know of anybody who thinks being light skinned is important - talk to them. Don't go all " WTH. Be proud of what you have" on them. Doesn't really help anything. Just talk. Ask where it stems from. Were their parents or grand parents particular about having a light skinned baby ? You need be a therapist but you can talk ! Coz most often it is the people you love the most that leave impressions on your brain and sometimes scar your thoughts for life.
Next time anyone you know mentions wanting to whiten their face, politely correct it to skin brightening, dark spot reducing. Make a joke or two about a $5 cream changing DNA patterns. Plus, isn't a so called white face and darker body funny. It is to me !
I hope celebrities take a stance and make it easier for Indian girls to love themselves and their skin tones . It is sad how many women is the world are verbally abused for something they had no hand in. I wish celebrities would take a stance and ask for a name change on these products. I have a few suggestions - skin brightening, dark spot reducing, evening of skin tone, soft glowing skin. Anything just take the color out of it. If none of these celebrities agree to be featured in these ads, wouldn't that cause a small revolution of sorts ? If you have a voice on the world's platform - use it.
Lastly, if you are very passionate about a cause, don't be anonymous. A lot more value come to the words you say when a name is attached to it. You are proud about having an opinion on an issue. Be proud to attach your name to it. May be even a email address or your blog.
Now take it easy with the comments. Address the issue not your fellow readers ! Let them say what they wanna say and you say what you wanna say - on the topic. Tell us about your experiences. Tell us what you plan on doing to make this a non issue in the future.
Lots of love,
Indian Girl