When it comes to hair , lets just say I don't like facial hair of any kind. Its not exactly a pet peeve because it applies only to me. I don't mind it as much on others but I do on myself. And because of this minor obsession of sorts I have tried out almost every method of removing facial hair. This post is a lowdown on products I have tried and the issues I've had with them. Several women want to get rid of their facial hair and are often scared to take the step. If you ask me - do it. Once you do it, there is no way one can go back to being their hairy self ever again. The difference is just too good to stop with one trial.
Despite my hatred for any visible hair on my face other than the brows and lashes I never ever bleached. Okay I did . Just once. Peer pressure, man. Worst beauty moment in my life. I hated it from day one and couldn't wait for the golden hair to vanish. I avoided the sun at all costs so nobody could see the golden disaster. I personally never liked it on any of my friends so it was worse for me on myself. Anyhoo...the bleach effect vanished in a couple of weeks and I never considered it an option ever again.
If you have thought about bleaching your face, think twice. I know a lot of beauty places in India follow their facial routines with a bleach routine. Lets just please agree on that fact that - they don't know what they are doing. Apart from the horrid golden hair syndrome it leaves one with, one must also consider that its a whole bunch of chemicals on the face. Chemicals that are changing the color of your hair. Imagine what it would do to your skin in a period of time ! Nothing good comes from bleaching - according to me.
The natural golden hair on Megan Fox's face looks pretty okay on her but wont on skin tones like mine. (Click to enlarge)
Another option is using hair removing creams. I used a couple of those and since they are chemicals one has to be extreme careful. They are cheap , work well, can be done at home but again - be very careful. One of these creams had a bad reaction on my face and my doc had me promise her that I would never touch these things again.
There are a few precautions you must take while using hair removing creams on your face. Close the lid properly. Don't use it if the product has expired. Buy only the ones meant for face. Don't keep it longer than the recommended time for your face. Never reapply on the same spot for at least 48 hours. These are chemicals that almost dissolve your hair from the root - powerful stuff that should not be taken lightly.
After my hair removing cream experience I never really cared much about the issue at hand until a couple of years back, when I discovered that face could be waxed too ! Aah the joy of face waxing ! I get my face waxed once every three months and I am completely hair free ! I almost feel like I was born like this ! It is one of the best things I have discovered fr myself. Instantly my face looks brighter, clearer, super soft and most of all hair free. To me the effect I get from waxing is similar to extreme exfoliation. The new cells growing and the complete absence of hair on my face make me look like I have the best skin !I love it love it love it love it.
I don't know if Kareena uses wax or got it laser-ed but the difference is noticeable. The change is brilliant ! (Click to enlarge)
But then waxing has its disadvantages. Some places on your face are a little more sensitive than others so you could get a few nicks here and there . Also there is a whole lot of redness and sometimes, I break out. This happens both when I do it myself and when done professionally. Sometimes these nicks are bigger and a bit deeper. If they are any deeper than the top layer of skin it takes a while to heal and could leave a scar. The maximum time a cut has taken to heal on my face was two weeks. That is to heal. Unfortunately it left a tiny scar right next to my eye.
Because of all this I often go for waxing on a Friday evening and stay at home the whole weekend waiting for my face to heal :(
The brown layer peeled off in a while but a light scar still exists
The last option - threading. I have threaded my eyebrows before and the upper lip area. Nothing beats threading as far as eyebrows are concerned. The shape , the thickness everything remains perfect with threading. Every Indian "aunty" you know (who can thread) will tell you about how great threading is and how waxing sucks. The Indian lady I went to once to get my eyebrows threaded said the same things to me. I don't know what the reason behind it is. Probably just an endemic that has spread among Indian aunties.
Despite knowing how great threading is, I dare not thread my whole face. If I could strip off a whole large area at a time with waxing , why go for threading which takes much longer and almost pulls out one hair at a time ? But something compelled me to try threading and that's the scar next to my right eye. I really don't want any more scars ever happening and if that means bearing a little more pain then am all for it.
I was researching on finding the next best thing for me when I came across Sun Maita. I saw the video on their site and was impressed at how easy it looked ! But then again, it was threading. So, about a month back when I was given the opportunity to try it, I was excited and a little skeptical at the same time.
The Sun Maita Threader Kit contains
The Threader
Feel Less Cream - to lightly numb the skin
Chalk - to make hair more visible
The Closer - to soothe irritated skin and close pores
Instructions Manual
11 Extra Threads
The manual gives you simple instructions on how to place the threads on the threader. Once you are done assembling the two kinds of threads you are ready to begin. First you apply the Feel Less Cream and wait a couple of minutes for it to skin in. Once its no longer moist apply the chalk over the area and you can begin threading.
The Pain
The first time I tried it, it was very painful but that was because it was the special time of the month and everything seems ten time worse then. The second time I went for it was later on and I was amazed at how less painful it was. In fact I sat for an hour and threaded my whole face with an ooh or an aah. I am not saying it was not painful . It was bearable pain. Also it helped that I was watching a funny Bollywood movie while doing it.
My Reservations
I do have a few reservations with the kit. After an hour of threading my forearms ached. Its like squeezing a stress ball for an hour. I wish the threader was a little smaller or that my fingers were a bit longer. The product is meant for larger areas on your face so eyebrows are very tough to do with this product. Upper lip can be easily managed ! I also want the numbing cream to numb a little more. But instead from the next time, I plan taking a pain killer pill beforehand. At first it is bit overwhelming to get it right but as with anything new, once you get the hang of it, its a easy ride !
No More Scars !
Overall, I love the threader. For someone who was utterly scared of threading, it worked out well in the end. It removes my threading aunty from the picture and lets me take charge. I can carry it anywhere I want and do it anytime ! No more ruined Friday nights ! I had absolutely no redness or nicks or cuts. Yes, its a bit painful. Yes, it took me a while to get the hang of it. But I'll take temporary pain anytime over breakouts, redness, scars and a whole weekend of no action !
Was this article useful to you ? Obviously a LOT of time went into writing this post but I enjoyed sharing my experience with y'all ! Do you have any questions as far as facial hair goes ? There isn't a lot of information online on this topic and that's why I made this post as detailed as possible. As you see, I've tried it all and have a good idea on this topic. If that lady side burn is bugging you, go ahead and "take care" of her. Trust me, you will never miss her.
Indian Girl
Despite my hatred for any visible hair on my face other than the brows and lashes I never ever bleached. Okay I did . Just once. Peer pressure, man. Worst beauty moment in my life. I hated it from day one and couldn't wait for the golden hair to vanish. I avoided the sun at all costs so nobody could see the golden disaster. I personally never liked it on any of my friends so it was worse for me on myself. Anyhoo...the bleach effect vanished in a couple of weeks and I never considered it an option ever again.
If you have thought about bleaching your face, think twice. I know a lot of beauty places in India follow their facial routines with a bleach routine. Lets just please agree on that fact that - they don't know what they are doing. Apart from the horrid golden hair syndrome it leaves one with, one must also consider that its a whole bunch of chemicals on the face. Chemicals that are changing the color of your hair. Imagine what it would do to your skin in a period of time ! Nothing good comes from bleaching - according to me.
Another option is using hair removing creams. I used a couple of those and since they are chemicals one has to be extreme careful. They are cheap , work well, can be done at home but again - be very careful. One of these creams had a bad reaction on my face and my doc had me promise her that I would never touch these things again.
There are a few precautions you must take while using hair removing creams on your face. Close the lid properly. Don't use it if the product has expired. Buy only the ones meant for face. Don't keep it longer than the recommended time for your face. Never reapply on the same spot for at least 48 hours. These are chemicals that almost dissolve your hair from the root - powerful stuff that should not be taken lightly.
After my hair removing cream experience I never really cared much about the issue at hand until a couple of years back, when I discovered that face could be waxed too ! Aah the joy of face waxing ! I get my face waxed once every three months and I am completely hair free ! I almost feel like I was born like this ! It is one of the best things I have discovered fr myself. Instantly my face looks brighter, clearer, super soft and most of all hair free. To me the effect I get from waxing is similar to extreme exfoliation. The new cells growing and the complete absence of hair on my face make me look like I have the best skin !I love it love it love it love it.
But then waxing has its disadvantages. Some places on your face are a little more sensitive than others so you could get a few nicks here and there . Also there is a whole lot of redness and sometimes, I break out. This happens both when I do it myself and when done professionally. Sometimes these nicks are bigger and a bit deeper. If they are any deeper than the top layer of skin it takes a while to heal and could leave a scar. The maximum time a cut has taken to heal on my face was two weeks. That is to heal. Unfortunately it left a tiny scar right next to my eye.
Because of all this I often go for waxing on a Friday evening and stay at home the whole weekend waiting for my face to heal :(
The last option - threading. I have threaded my eyebrows before and the upper lip area. Nothing beats threading as far as eyebrows are concerned. The shape , the thickness everything remains perfect with threading. Every Indian "aunty" you know (who can thread) will tell you about how great threading is and how waxing sucks. The Indian lady I went to once to get my eyebrows threaded said the same things to me. I don't know what the reason behind it is. Probably just an endemic that has spread among Indian aunties.
Despite knowing how great threading is, I dare not thread my whole face. If I could strip off a whole large area at a time with waxing , why go for threading which takes much longer and almost pulls out one hair at a time ? But something compelled me to try threading and that's the scar next to my right eye. I really don't want any more scars ever happening and if that means bearing a little more pain then am all for it.
I was researching on finding the next best thing for me when I came across Sun Maita. I saw the video on their site and was impressed at how easy it looked ! But then again, it was threading. So, about a month back when I was given the opportunity to try it, I was excited and a little skeptical at the same time.
The Sun Maita Threader Kit contains
The Threader
Feel Less Cream - to lightly numb the skin
Chalk - to make hair more visible
The Closer - to soothe irritated skin and close pores
Instructions Manual
11 Extra Threads
The manual gives you simple instructions on how to place the threads on the threader. Once you are done assembling the two kinds of threads you are ready to begin. First you apply the Feel Less Cream and wait a couple of minutes for it to skin in. Once its no longer moist apply the chalk over the area and you can begin threading.
The Pain
The first time I tried it, it was very painful but that was because it was the special time of the month and everything seems ten time worse then. The second time I went for it was later on and I was amazed at how less painful it was. In fact I sat for an hour and threaded my whole face with an ooh or an aah. I am not saying it was not painful . It was bearable pain. Also it helped that I was watching a funny Bollywood movie while doing it.
My Reservations
I do have a few reservations with the kit. After an hour of threading my forearms ached. Its like squeezing a stress ball for an hour. I wish the threader was a little smaller or that my fingers were a bit longer. The product is meant for larger areas on your face so eyebrows are very tough to do with this product. Upper lip can be easily managed ! I also want the numbing cream to numb a little more. But instead from the next time, I plan taking a pain killer pill beforehand. At first it is bit overwhelming to get it right but as with anything new, once you get the hang of it, its a easy ride !
No More Scars !
Overall, I love the threader. For someone who was utterly scared of threading, it worked out well in the end. It removes my threading aunty from the picture and lets me take charge. I can carry it anywhere I want and do it anytime ! No more ruined Friday nights ! I had absolutely no redness or nicks or cuts. Yes, its a bit painful. Yes, it took me a while to get the hang of it. But I'll take temporary pain anytime over breakouts, redness, scars and a whole weekend of no action !
Was this article useful to you ? Obviously a LOT of time went into writing this post but I enjoyed sharing my experience with y'all ! Do you have any questions as far as facial hair goes ? There isn't a lot of information online on this topic and that's why I made this post as detailed as possible. As you see, I've tried it all and have a good idea on this topic. If that lady side burn is bugging you, go ahead and "take care" of her. Trust me, you will never miss her.
Indian Girl