Sara Miss India contestant bikini pictures

Indian Fashion
A brief overview of Indian clothing and some tips about what,where and how to buy and wear them.

Evolution of Fashion
Trace the key moments in fashion during the twentieth century.

Fashion Designing Schools
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Fastest Truck on Earth! (Video)

It exists a vehicle that develops the power of 36 Bugatti Veyron cars. We are talking about a truck propelled by 3 jet plane engines which can run half a mile in only 7,8 seconds.

Developing 36.000 HP and a lot of smoke and fire, this 6 wheels beast participates at the drag races in the US.

Ellin Lavar Nourishing Oil : Review - Does It All !

Beauty Junkies everywhere have wanted a product that does it all.

Beauty Junkies everywhere have wanted a product that does it all and costs a single digit.

(No not your finger ! Digit as in a single digit number. Good Lord !)

Beauty Junkies Everywhere need to hear this story.

The Ellin Lavar Nourishing Oil that costs $8 and is safely placed in the hair care aisle of your local CVS is what beauty junkies everywhere have longed for. It really does it all !

I have used it as a night time eye and face moisturizer. It is a dry oil; so on a regular dry face day I could totally do it during the day as well ! After rubbing it all over my face, I rub the rest onto my rock hard cuticles. I spray it onto certain dry spots on my scalp. And after I do a heavy eye look on one of my eyes (just for the blog), I take it all off with a squirt of this oil.

I still haven't tested the theory but I get the feeling it will polish tiles and sparkle sinks as well !

That stick figure is me. I plan to be that size by New Year's with regular workouts of once a week and eating carbs only three times a day.

The product is sold solely as oil for the scalp. Now why would they do that ! It does so much more !!! I wrote to the folks at Ellin Lavar and they confirmed its innate abilities to be a super oil. Take my expert non-expert opinion on this, it really does all of the above.

That being said, before I engage in the process of pumping the oil out I take in a long breath and let it out slowly with the words " Om....." You really need all that clarity of mind to gather the patience to get the pump working.

Its called pumping science. You place the bottle horizontally and pump a couple of times. Then place the nozzle against your palm at a 45 degree angle and continue pumping until the oil oozes out. I hope Ellin Lavar gets this taken care of. I don't have many Om's left in me.

Indian Girl

Become Jergens Winterless Weather Forecaster

How : Log onto to enter and post your videos on how you keep your skin looking beautiful and winter less no matter what the weather.

Process : One Winner could receive a $5,000 talent contract to film winterless weather forecasts for online broadcast, and a luxury trip for two to New York City for a VIP behind-the-scenes tour of the show Wake Up With Al! along with $1,000 cash. The winner’s forecasts may even be featured online at

More Info :

I think its a kool idea ! If you are already into youtube this should be a breeze for ya ! You can enter at
For the less courageous like me, the prize could be a stimulator ;)

Indian Girl

Dimple spicy stills from Marmam

Indian Fashion Designers
The crème de la cream of the Indian Fashion Industry

Indian Fashion Shows
Update to the different prestigious fashion shows of India and Lakme Fashion week

Starsign Fashion 2004
Check out seasons star sign fashion tips for 2004.

Designing Basics
A comprehensive section on fundamentals of designing that aims to provide guidelines for the buyer, the vendor and students interested in designing.

Fashion And You
A comprehensive section on fashion of India, fabrics, colours that suit your personality, importance of accessories and much more.

Body Art
Tattoo's, Body peircing, Mehendi are hot and happening with more and more youngsters going for it. Learn more about this form of art.

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