Ooh the things we randomly discover !
While cleaning my bathroom last night, I took all the stuff that was piling on the edges of my bath tub and put it in a bin to hold, while I cleaned the tub.
The extra space this created around my bathtub, was too good to be true ! I hate having bathroom fixtures to hold my shampoos and stuff. Those metal or wooden shelves look ugly to me and takes away from the space and the peacefulness of my bath tub . I'd much rather choose a few products and keep em in the corners along my tub.
Even that was getting too crowded what with wanting to use everything, everyday.

So, I let the bin stay and this is my plan for it.
I pick my product for the day and use it. After my shower I plan on putting it back into the bin. The bin contains the products I have chosen for these couple of weeks. As and when I get bored with these ones, they will be replaced by other products. The old ones now go into drawers I have elsewhere in the house (will show laters). Its a bath cycle.
Plan this bin according to the weather, activities you are doing and how your hair feels. Ideally I'd like to have a cleanser, face scrub, shower gels, shampoo, conditioner, exfoliating body scrub and any other in shower hair / body treatments.
I started this last night. So far , so good . I hope to keep my bathroom and myself, sane this way.
Isn't this a great idea for a small bathroom ?
How do you store your bath stuff ? Tell me your ideas.
Lets come together in eliminating bathroom clutter.
Indian Girl
PS : I am on a cleaning / organizing spree. Through the next couple of weeks, I'd love to share with y'all how I store everything. My kitchen just got an awesome makeover but this aint no cooking blog so, I wont put up pics. However that wont stop me from telling you how clean and organized it is now !