A Few Reminders...

Send In Your Questions

Today's the last day for sending in your SUMMER SKINCARE QUESTIONS for Dr. Aparna. A lot of you have emailed your questions to me - Thank you ! All excellent questions and am amazed how none have been repeat ones !
Read more details on how to do it here or click on the image.

Thank You For Continuing to Vote For AIMB !

Many many thanks to all you guys who have voted for me and are continuing to vote. It means a lot to me that you took time out to show me some love. Winning would mean a whole lot because it will tell me that I am not wasting my time and that you all recognize this as being useful. You can vote everyday July 6 . After this , fives blogs with the highest number of votes will be decided as finalists and an expert panel will choose the winner.
Thank you for your love and support and time :)

2009 BlogLuxe Awards

Voice Your Choice

Lastly, take part in this poll and help me review better. Temme do you want me to assign points or give products a certain grade on how well they perform?

Indian Girl

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