What are you doing today ? Pool Party ? BBQ Party ? I am guessing most of you are having / going to outdoor parties. I'm not. I'm just not a sun person. I will be checking out the fire works tonight though. There'll be night breeze, no sun, no sunscreen. Not really on the night breeze either. More like humid waves. But you get the picture...
And Oh, here are ten signs of a sunscreen addict. Of course I know nothing about it. Its all from the S.A.S.A (Sunscreen Addicts Syndrome Association) This is apparently what these addicts do...
1. Carry a bottle of sunscreen always with them.
2. Apply it on the back of their hands while driving.
3. Use it once every couple of hours when they are outdoors.
4. Look like an oily mess, but don't care
5. Heavily encourage everybody around them to generously use sunscreen.
6. Usually have a good supply of it at all times for everybody they are with
7. Wear a hat and sit under an umbrella
8. Use SPF 30 for face and SPF 60 for body and SPF 15 for lips or more
9. Wont forget the back of their ears
10. Wont keep the sunscreen out in the sun coz the SPF loses its power or something like that.
What ?? There is no S.A.S.A ?? I have no clue where I get these from ! All I know is I did not make this up.
Indian Girl
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