Stop here. When did the Apricot Scrub start costing $7. Where the days when I bought my scrub for $3 or $5 ? I want those days back.
This raise in cost pissed me off and I went about looking for other alternatives. And then my eyes fell on the Biore Even Smoother Microderm Exfoliator. I grabbed it and ran.
Ran before the Apricot scrub could see me and give me the sad look. A look of betrayal.
Or something like that.
What The New Boy Did
The Microderm exfoliator refines your skin. Trust me. It does not just exfoliate. It eliminates dead skin and leaves your skin feeling shiny. Not the oily shiny but the shine that comes from silky soft skin. I was flabbergasted at the results. My skin is almost reflecting light. Its that smooth ! Where has this been ? Why hasn't anybody told me about it. Why arnt the blogs buzzing about this drugstore gem ??
Why ? Why ? Why ?
Is it worth the $14.99 ? Was it a good substitution for my Apricot Scrub ?
Yes and yes ! Though I terribly miss the lovely scent of the apricot scrub, I love the change. I think it is good to change up your routine once in a while. Even if it is once in a long while. We are talking four years or more, people.
However I do have a couple of things to add. The Biore exfoliator has really teeny tiny micro beads and plenty of them. So I'd be gentle with the scrubbing. Even more so if you have sensitive skin. Something about scratching the surface of the skin.
On my nose however I gave it a good scrub to get rid of black heads, white heads and gunk in general. It worked very well ! I needed very little for one use so I am sure it will last a while. Also I plan on using it only twice a week in the shower given the refining effect. I don't want to peel off way too much.
Price - $14.99
Purchase - CVS, Walgreens
Purpose - Exfoliating and Refining Face Scrub with Micro beads
Hilarious Story !
So remember when I showed you how I keep my shower product free and instead keep them in a product bin next to the shower ?
Hahaha. I was too shocked and too overcome with laughter to say anything. I am still smiling thing about it....
Indian Girl
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