Anu Metha- wet telugu girls

"According to GATA (Gold Anti Trust Action Committee), about 15000 tonnes of gold has been loaned by the Central banks to the Bullion banks for which they paid about 1% per annum. The Bullion banks then sold the “loaned” gold on the open market and invested the proceeds at 6-7% per annum. It was a sweet deal until the gold prices started to move upwards. Now the bullion banks that are in debt to the Central banks have to buy it back to repay the gold borrowed from the banks. It is therefore in their interest to keep the prices down and in this respect GATA claims that it has collected mountains of evidence to suggest that each time gold rallies, the Central banks are selling more government gold to cap its price. If GATA is right, the short positions of 15000 tonnes or more have the capacity to propel the price of gold much higher than it is today. (Note: A landmark legal case is before a US federal judge alleging a variety of collusive, manipulative activities in the gold global markets. You can track the developments on various gold sites - Check our links section for details)"



