Pictures of Sana Tariq who is the host of ARY Show Bakhabar Sawer, formerly she was a News Caster onthe popular news network Geo. She is popular among the people .

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Let suppose that guy is someone else and Sana is just fluttering around, So What? What right that gives to the people to circulate these pictures, and what so special about it? Why in the hell are people not minding their business and why in the hell they are hell bent on doing such sub-human and low things?
This clearly shows the on the loose character of these all celebrities. Even the political icons now don’t care about their image and personal lives. There is a lot more can be said about these girls, but this the basic root for this type of acts should be found first, instead of blaming and correcting this all by force.
These celebrities are the icon of Pakistan and represent the country in outer world, where a positive image is needed instead of an image that do not depict the true culture of a country.
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