Girlfriend's 7 Shades of love
Dear Friends, "Love in the heart was not meant

there to stay. Love is not love till

you give it away". For love to be ever

lasting and eternal every one should be

aware of the different stages of love

and know its significance.

Following are the different phases

through which you will travel in your

love life and only those who pass

it will have an endless love.

Attraction can be defined as something,
which is more than friendship and is a

step towards getting ready for a

relationship. Now attraction is

of two types:

Physical Attraction -
happens when your body reacts to

another person. Heart rate increases;

temperature rises, palms get sweaty;

stomach flutters; throat tightens; etc.

This is what will tell you that you are

ready for the first contact and also

whether you are comfortable in

the company of the other person.

Emotional Attraction -
develops next if the circumstances
are right. After being drawn to a person

physically, you then begin to come closer.

If you find you have things in common

-- hobbies, ideologies, career,

education, or some other common

ground -- then an emotional attraction

starts to form. Sometimes an emotional

attraction can occur even when a physical

attraction does not. And in this case,

the bond will be stronger between the

two who connect, since no preconceived

notions based on physical

appearance has occurred.

Intimacy is something, which a person
experiences when you learn to trust and

believe your lover. It is a close

association with another person of

the deepest nature. You share you thoughts,

feelings, and dreams. You feel free

to discuss everything with this person

and you are absolutely comfortable in

his company. Thus intimacy develops

gradually. If you can't establish

intimacy with your partner,

your relationship

may work for a while, but is unlikely

to endure throughout the years. Intimacy

is actually the path to a true,

healthy and beautiful relationship.

Romance is the essence of a relationship.
Without romance your love life will not exist.

Romance is the true identity of your love.

It brings out your true self and helps you

be a better lover, husband and partner.

Romance is a celebration of the life you

live as part of a couple. It springs

naturally and originates from within

your heart. It makes you do things that

you possibly couldn't have imagined to do

otherwise. It shows you who you are and

reminds you of the role you play in a

relationship. Romance is not responsibility

but it is caring about your responsibilities

towards your lover and partner.

Romance is the appreciation of two people

who are celebrating the lucky coincidence

that they found each other.

The third stage is passion,
which basically means a desire for another

person, which has grown to an intensity

that can't be ignored. This is often where

an emotional relationship turns into

a physical relationship. The passion

stage is very important. For from here

you will understand the true meaning

and nature of your relationship.

If there is no passion then its best

to let go but if there is passion in

your relationship then it is time

to go on to the next stage.

The last stage is commitment.
This is when you know that you want to

spend your whole life with this person

you love and you can do anything for him..

It is when your whole world just revolves

round your lover and you take a pledge

to remain true to your mate throughout

good and bad times, be by his side

whenever he needs you.

eyes meet,

it is like a touch...

a spark...

------------ ----Attraction

the touch of the eyes

was as if,

it was...

------------------ Infatuation
the flame

of her body is felt,

his breath starts igniting...

------------------ Love
she touches him like a whisper,

as if silence is mixed in her eyes,

he prays, a little consciously,

a little unconsciously. ..

----------- ------ Reverence
he is entangled on her path,

entangled in her arms

love now turns to...

------------------ Worship
living is an obsession... .

dying is an obsession...

apart from this there is no peace...

------------------ Obsession
let him rest in the lap of death...

let him drown his body in her soul...

------------ ------ Death




