Morph Your Pictures

I found this website a few days back and had forgotten all about it. Today I was going over my photo foloders and came across all these morphed pics. Its a lotta fun ! You can upload any pic of your choice ( yours or anybody else's or a celbrity's) and you can combine it with that of one or more celebrities. the software mixes up the features to give you a morphed version of the original pic.

Check it out here

My base pic was this one of Jordon Dunn's.

And then I morphed her four times with four different celebrities. Do you wanna a guess at who the four celebrities were ?

Your clues (in no particular order)

Oprah called me the world's most beautiful woman
I am still J$#@%y from the block, used to have a little now I have a lot
I only have two movies
I am Sasha fierce




Indian Girl

Gorgeousness - Scarlett Johansson For D&G

Love this ad !
Seriously how gorgeous is Scarlett ! Almost angelic. I really like the curls on her !
Its retro yet modern , delicate and sexy - just perfect.
I must tell you that quite often I find her a bit irritating but this is beautiful !
click to enlarge

Indian Girl

Lee Tae Im

Lee Tae Im
Lee Tae Im
Lee Tae Im
Lee Tae Im
Name: 이태임 / Lee Tae Im (Yi Tae Im)
Profession: Actress
Birthdate: 1986-Oct-15
Birthplace: South Korea

Lee Tae Im is South Korean actress. She look very beautiful!

Emma Watson Celeb Pictures


