Bath & Body Works - Butterfly Flower Collection : Review

I have always had a love-hate relationship with Bath & Body Works. Most often I enter the store and try so many things that I end up with a bad headache from the mixture of heavy scents. I'm sure you have had similar experiences. Every time I get that headache I tell myself I wont try as many things the next time, but invariably end up doing so and later repenting. But all that trouble is worth it, only if I can find something I love. And once in a while, I do.

One such scent that I currently love is that of their New Signature Butterfly Flower Collection. The first time I saw "butterfly" flower, the only person I could think of was Mariah Carey. Remember her butterfly phase ? I'm glad she outta that now. The perfume, however is inspired by the butterfly flower gardens that attract these colorful insects. The scent is set to capture a light living, airy fragrance that surrounds such gardens. Imagine the beauty, it would be. I must see if we have any such gardens around here...

Top Notes : Black Tea, Tangerine, Cyclamen, Banana Leaf
Mid Notes : Maxillania Tenufolia Orchid, Asia Syringa Flower, French Mimosa
Dry Down Notes : Creamy Coconut Milk, Musk

For me to *love* a scent, it has to be light. That is exactly what this collection is about. Everything from the body lotion (10.50 ), shower gel (10.50) to the Eau De Toilette (29.50) carries this nature inspired, green, fresh cut flowers kinda fragrance. It is very springy and very delicate. The next time you are at Bath & Body Works, reach for this line first. Trust me , if you go to it after having tried the heavy peonies , cherry blossoms and vanillas, the fragrance will just get lost on you.

A lot of times I simply just get bored and do not finish the shower gels / lotions. The several rows of signature collections, Victoria Secret Sprays in my bathroom will speak for it. But with this one, I have a feeling I'll actually end up using the whole thing. Read more on Bath & Body Works Butterfly Flower Collection here

Indian Girl



