Vote For Your Favorite Weather Forecaster

Jergens is looking for their Winterless Weather Forecaster ! A few weeks back Jergens had a contest for it and a handful of contestants were chosen as finalists. The lucky folks have their weather forecasting videos up on youtube and America gets to choose their favorite as the winner !

This morning I checked them all out and WOW. Some of them really made an effort ! There is a guy too - Thee Almighty S.P.A.W.N ! Check out his video - he even has a customized background music ! A couple of them are super cute home made videos. Couple others are super professional looking ! And then there is the last one with two big dogs - totally awwwwww...inducing. I voted for half of them !

You can check out the channel here. Hit on Vote Now to view the finalists and their videos. Right under their videos is a thumbs up / down symbol to make your choice !

Indian Girl

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