How to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You

Unrequited love is one of the toughest hands you will
ever have to deal with. When you feel as though
you are in love with a woman and you realize that
she does not feel the same way, it can be more than
just a blow to the ego. I know guys that have been
unable to move on from this for a long time, and it
sucks away their energy and their zest for life.

If you want to make sure that you end up making
her feel the same way, then you have to be ready to
start off on the right foot, or else you just might
end up with a situation where you are in love with her,
and all she thinks of you is that you are a nice guy.

Here are 5 tips to really pull at her heartstrings and
make her fall in love with YOU:

1. To make a woman fall in love, you have to start off
with the idea that you are not going to be her friend.

Sure, it feels kind of good at first to be friends
with a woman that you want to date. Soon, though,
you will find that it no longer is fun, especially
when she starts to talk to you about other guys and
you realize that she just does not see you in that way.
To combat this, you need to start things off right,
and not try to be just a friend. Women just do not
end up crossing the line of friendship into romance,
and to think that you will be able to make this happen,
is setting yourself up for disappointment down the road.

2. She needs to get the feeling that she wants to be around you.

If you find yourself being the one that always initiates
contact with her, always the one that makes the phone calls,
or gets her to hang out, at some point-- you have to admit
that things are not going so well. A woman needs to want
to be around a guy if she is going to end up falling in
love with him. It's just the "natural" flow of love.
If you have to press her into wanting to be with you,
then she is NOT going to fall for you, period.

3. You need to be detached from the outcome.

By this, I mean that you cannot hang all of your hopes
and your happiness on making her fall in love. Doing this,
the inevitable reaction is that you are going to be
desperate for her, and that right there is basically an
instant turn off to a woman. You have to be able to want her,
but not so much that it will "break your heart" if it
does not happen. The more you pine away for her,
the harder it is going to be to make her feel the same way.

4. She needs to feel the thrill of the chase.

More often than not, it is supposedly the guys role to
chase after the woman. The reality is, if you chase her
all of the time, she will lose interest in you. This is why
it is so good to have female friends that you can kind
of observe. I cannot tell you how many times I have
watched female friends lose interest in a guy, the minute
that he chases after her and she does not chase him back.
There has to be a push and a pull dynamic, or else she
will end up losing her attraction for you.

5. You have to have the "brass" to make your move.

The longer that you wait to let her know how you feel,
the more you are slipping deeper and deeper into
the friend zone. Waiting for the right time is okay,
as long as that does not mean that you are going to
wait for weeks and months. The quicker you are to
make your move, the more likely it is that you will be
able to get something going on with her. Wait too long,
and you WILL be just a friend and nothing more to her.



